This is the start of the #fab5alaska tour that begins today but really started in February 2017 when the adventure was conceived.

#fab5alska is a group of five friends from varying backgrounds who like to have at least one good holiday per year, a holiday with a bit of meat on the bone if you will.

We had talked at length about cruising the inside passage and as they say, talk is cheap, so we made a commitment to embark on our collective dream in April 2019. Based around one crucial component of cruising we built our itinerary. We have cruised New Zealand twice and the Mediterranean together, with the Alaskan Inside Passage on all our bucket lists it seemed like a must do.

As cruising is the most relaxing of the components of our itinerary, we decided to make that the last activity on our growing list of must see & do’s for this holiday. That would see us return home refreshed, batteries charged and ready to tackle the complexities of life we know will be waiting for us.

This needed us to pad out the begining of the holiday with agreed destinations and activities that we all had in common however,  with varying priorities on each of our bucket lists. Through consultation and working out the strengths of each destination we came up with an itinerary that hasn’t been ammended much since it’s inception.

I hope you will join me on our jouney.